Friday, August 24, 2012

Media Bias - Biden Gaffes - Page 1

Today's' Topic:  Joe Biden Gaffes
 And The "Left" Called Bush Stupid?
 Gaffes 1:==> Greatest Hits!
Gaffes 2:==>Classic, Telling A Guy In A
Wheel Chair  To Stand Up!!!
Gaffes 3:
"President Obama Has a Big Stick"
Gaffes 4:==> The Roberts' Oath Gaffe
 Gaffes 5:==> Thank You Dr. Pepper
 Gaffes 5:==> Biden On Irish PM's
Still-Living Mother: 'God Rest Her Soul' 
And The "Left" Called Bush Stupid?
 Obama is bad enough!
Do we want another 4 years of Joe Biden?

    We could go on and on with "Biden" blunders and gaffes. You couldn't possibly make this up!  It is scary that this guy is a heart beat away from the Presidency!
Joe Biden Makes Sarah Palin Look Like A Brain Surgeon!

    The bigger point is... 

If this were Bush, the press would have a field day.

    Media Bias:

We see it in the news, but also in programing and movies!
    Media Facts:
The argument over whether the national press is dominated by liberals is over. Since 1962, there have been 11 surveys of the media that sought the political views of hundreds of journalists. In 1971, they were 53 percent liberal, 17 percent conservative. In a 1976 survey of the Washington press corps, it was 59 percent liberal, 18 percent conservative. A 1985 poll of 3,200 reporters found them to be self-identified as 55 percent liberal, 17 percent conservative. In 1996, another survey of Washington journalists pegged the breakdown as 61 percent liberal, 9 percent conservative. Now, the new study by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found the national media to be 34 percent liberal and 7 percent conservative.

Study Source: CLICK HERE
PBS, MSNBC, NPR, And NBC are the worst!
Equal Time? Please, Let's Not Let The Mainstream Press Tell Us:
That They Are Objective Journalist!
The tax payers are supporting NPR & PBS!!!

Plus, we the tax payers are supporting media matters and other left wing organizations.

Let's Compare Using Newsweek Covers
As An Example Shall We?
Now Let's Be Fair To The Other Side...
Looks Fair Huh?
Newsweek working hard for Obama in the 2012 election!
 Time Magazine and the rest are no better! Republicans are made to look ugly, fat, hateful, stupid, and evil! Feminist should be outrages at some of the nasty comments from the left towards "CONSERVATIVE" women!
Give Us A Break! FDR.. Really?
Almost every Obama's policy has been a failure! 

 The New York Times... 
What A Joke!
The New York Times has long supported both unions and high taxes—but at last, the once-great newspaper is forced to recognize reality: that unions and high taxes are anything but good for business.  On November 12, 2009, the Times announced that it would be moving 25 staffers from the newsroom in New York to The Gainesville Sun’s newsroom in Florida.  Why? Read the rest of the article… Click Here
 Want To See Something Weird?
The Associated Press "HALOS"

Don't Depend On The Media!
Get The Facts! Spread The Word!

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